Weather at Highland Schools
Craigmont, Idaho Weather
Readings Below Updated at 8:14pm on 7/26/2024
Next Full Update: 8:15 pm         Refresh
Temperature High Low
Feels Like 66.5°F
at 3:32 PM
at 5:45 AM
Wind Speed Maximum Gusts
Calm mph
from NNW - 331°
10.4 mph
at 3:52 PM
0.0 mph N
at 8:00 PM
Barometer High Low
30.049 in.
30.260 in.
at 12:00 AM
30.048 in.
at 7:33 PM
Humidity 31%
Dew Point 34.3°F
Precipication Rain
Today 0.00 in.
This Month 0.04 in.
This Year 6.32 in.
Sunrise Sunset Moonrise Moonset Moon Phase Moon Age
 5:22am  8:22pm  11:09pm  1:07pm  61 %  21 Days

 Region  Camas Prairie - North Central Idaho, USA
 Location  112 Boulevard Ave, Craigmont
 Elevation  3900 feet
 Weather Station  Since 6/21/2012 - Davis Vantage Pro2
 Software  Weather Display - Report - Screenshot
 Nearby  Mesowest Map - Camas Prairie Weather
 Lapwai School District
 Data is Sent to  WeatherUnderground - CWOP
 Forecasts  Craigmont  - Reubens - Winchester
 Lewiston - - Current
Air Quality - Idaho Traffic Info - More Idaho Webcams
Davis Vantage Pro Conditions & Forecast:   Dry, mostly cloudy and cooler, precipitation possible within 12 hours, possibly heavy at times, windy.
Weather Display Started - 8:17:01 AM 7/10/2024, Version  10.37S102 Windows Up Time - 16 Days 11 Hours 55 Minutes 45 Seconds